Visual proof circle's area = πr²
Triangles In A Row
ずっと見ていられる振り子 生体現象はハーモニー、留学中にフーリエ解析をしていた頃を思い出します。
数学実況#20】岐阜県 高校入試 正答率ゼロ%だったそうです。
算数オリンピック if lim AD=0, then S=(6/2)^2= 9 (^_^) 
【受験算数】ちょっと悩んでしまう中学入試の図形問題 L= 5x3/(3+4)-(3x4/(3+4))=3/7 (^_^)
Archimedes Surface Area Of Sphere I
Archimedes Surface Area Of Sphere II
Visualizing the Volume of a Sphere Formula | Deriving the Algebraic Formula With Animations
cone slicing / Ever wondered why slicing a cone gives an ellipse? It’s wonderfully clever!
Derivative formulas through geometry | Essence of calculus, chapter 3
Drawing the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimension
Euclid as the father of geometry | Introduction to Euclidean geometry | Geometry | Khan Academy
Euler's Characteristics
Euler's Identity
Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio
4d-Understanding 4D -- The Tesseract
Flat engine animation compilation
flat six engine
Fourier series animation montage
Fourier transform
Fourier Series (Explained by drawing circles) - Smarter Every Day 205
fractal formula
Geodesics, it's beauty
Geometry of Architecture
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Hands-On Preview

Golden Section
Golden Ratio
golden ratio: How to draw a Golden Ratio Spiral
golden ratio, The (ab)surd golden ratio | Robb Enzmann | TEDxMiamiUniversity
golden ratio calipers, How to Make Golden Ratio Calipers Golden Mean FREE PLANS

Heron's Formula
Laplace Transform Explained and Visualized Intuitively
Mandelbrot-Times Tables, Mandelbrot and the Heart of Mathematics
Mandelbrot Fractal Zoo-The Endless Ocean 
Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom Sapphires - (8k 60fps)
[Reversed] Christmas Tree - Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom

Pascal's theorem
Pi, Finding Pi by Archimedes' Method
Polygon, How to draw POLYGON -draw any polygon by using 1 method
prime numbers Why do prime numbers make these spirals?
Pythagorean theorem
Pythagorean Theorem
power of points
Quaternion rotations on the 16-cell
slicing the cone gives ellipse
surface of the sphere formula
Taylor series | Essence of calculus, chapter 11
Tetrahedral racks
Topology joke
Topology-Who cares about topology? (Inscribed rectangle problem)
Torus Hinged flat torus
Torus Magic
Torus Meeting an Equation
Triangle of Power
volume of the sphere formula 1
volume of the sphere formula 2

VERY HARD South Korean Geometry Problem (CSAT Exam)
What Is The Area? HARD Geometry Problem
How To Solve This Viral Math Problem From China

VSEPR Theory and Molecular Geometry

4 dimension
4D Toys: a box of four-dimensional toys, and how objects bounce and roll in 4D
Engineering with Origami
折り紙 「ドラゴン」 の折り方 (Jo Nakashima)
11 Levels of Origami: Easy to Complex | WIRED
折り紙 「マジックボール」 の折り方 (Yuri Shumakov)
How to Make the CHAOS EMERALDS - Origami Diamond - No Tape! No Glue! No Scissors!